
What is Laravel?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that we like to use to build bespoke web applications. A framework like this allows us to build applications quicker as a lot of features such as user authentication are already present when a project is created. We then build and extend this existing functionality so it allows us to create rapid prototypes quicker.

We’ve built a lot of our own internal tools using this framework and we have a team of developers as well as front-end developers that can work on Laravel projects.

Because the framework is updated by the Laravel team, we can focus our efforts almost entirely on the business logic of your solution – without constantly re-inventing the wheel.

Photo of Rich Keys

Richard Keys

Rich is Genius Division's technical director. When he's not building Lego or painting toy soldiers he's probably having fun with his kids. Lover of mountains and reading: Stephen King and Middle-earth are among his favourites.